«Marco Polo portraits Kublai Kahn a bridge, stone after stone.
“But, which is the stone that bears the bridge?”, asks Kublai Kahn.
“It is not this or that stone that bears the bridge,
but the arch line they form all together”, replied Marco Polo.
Kublai Kahn stood silent and reflective. Than he added:
“Why, then, you tell me about the stones at all?
It is hence the arch that matters”.

Marco Polo answered: “There is no arch without stones”.»

Here is the foundation of DAZ philosophy:

Building bridges for those who possess stones,
finding the stones for those willing to build bridges.

Many challenges do occur on the trail to estabilish a business or develop one already in existance.
DAZ aims to play the tutor that goes along, routes and guards its partner.
Commanding competences and expertise allows to achieve that; one’s own baggage of experience also allows to achieve that. Among its contributors, DAZ numbers attorneys, marketing and fiscal experts, in order to provide the assistance required to accomplish a project: logistic care, accomodations, comunications on site and transit visa procedures.
The very nature of markets, productions, consumer goods, life styles and way of thinking is defined by its constant state of change, marked by ever-faster and consistent fluxes of trades. This multi-faceted context calls for the best selections and choices, in order to meet results and satisfy all needs.
DAZ is the best partner to elaborate informations and access the most profitable course of operations. DAZ can best play the role of actor in the scheme of trades between demand on offer.
DAZ has the required skills to study the production process of its partner, in order to cooperate in defining the improvements to its products and meet the challenges set by new markets.
The ethic DAZ made its own is to conduct each enterprise with professionalism along with great attention to social relations. The revaluation of the human resources is identified by DAZ as a key to successful operations.
A proven entrepreneur aknowledges the limit of what he owns, along with the extent of what he did not own and will not own as well. Daz looks to contribute in the disclosure of new standpoint in that regard.
DAZ aims to tell the story behind each product, beyond the depicture of a brand. Being able to convey the history, the cradle place, the manifacturing tradition that brings to a present product is an added value, that DAZ acknowledges as relevant among business transitions.
Discovering hidden opportunities in the current times globalizations, is nonetheless the plus to every enterprise. DAZ is deeply intent to fulfill such a discovery:

Helping its clients to rapidly grow on their respective markets.
Helping to develop through innovations.
Aiming to turn itself form a product supplier into a solutions provider.
Finding its clients precise customized solutions.